Trios for piano, flute, cello "Farrenc-ly my dear, I don't give a Damase"
Save the date! Sunday Feb 2, Trios for piano, flute, cello: "Farrenc-ly my dear, I don't give a Damase"
Studio Recital of Heidi Curatolo, Suzuki Piano & Violin
Join us as the students of Heidi Curatolo perform in a studio recital.
Ladies Musical Club Presents: Spanish & American Folk Songs | Piano Music by Italian Composers
Ladies Musical Club of Seattle presents Spanish & American Folk Songs and Piano Music by Italian Composers.
CenterPiece Jazz Band at The Royal Room
CenterPiece Jazz Band at
The Royal Room
Doors: 4:30pm
Tickets; $20 advance, $25 doors
Advance tickets can only be purchased online- Royal Room does not sell advance tickets at the venue. Refunds are not available within 48 hours of the event. Tickets do not guarantee seating during shows at the Royal Room.
Seating for non-diners is first come, first served. Please arrive early to guarantee a seat!
The Royal Room is All Ages until 10pm.
CenterPiece Jazz Band (CJB) is a 10-piece all-volunteer resident ensemble of Music Center of the Northwest, whose mission is presenting high quality and entertaining performances for the purpose of championing Music Center of the Northwest.
Combined Violin & Viola Studio Recitals
An opportunity for string students at Music Center to perform in a combined recital. Performances at 1pm and 2:30pm.
Closed for Mid-Winter Break
Music Center will be closed for Mid-Winter break Mon, February 17th - Sat, February 22nd.
Studio Recital of Madeleine Hogue, Violin
Join us as the violin students of Madeleine Hogue perform in a studio recital.
Spring Group Tuition Assistance Deadline
Tuition Assistance applications for Spring Term group classes & ensembles are due December 1st.
Closed for Spring Break
Music Center will be closed for Spring Break Mon, April 14th - Sat, April 19th.
Combined Violin & Viola Studio Recitals
An opportunity for string students at Music Center to perform in a combined recital. Performances at 1pm, 2:30pm and 3:45pm.
Last Day of 24-25 Academic Year
The last day of 24-25 academic year lessons & therapy is June 23rd. Summer Term begins June 30th.
Closed for Summer Break
Music Center will close for Summer Break Tues, June 24th - Sat, June 28th. Summer Lessons & Therapy begin Mon, June 30th.
Start of Summer Term 2025
Summer Term 2025 begins Mon, June 30th. Schedules vary, check with your teacher or contact the office.
Music & Mindfulness: Free Trial Class
Register to join us in a free Music & Mindfulness class! Learn about breathwork and body awareness and techniques for in and out of the practice room!
Haydn Workshop Ensemble: Bantock & Finzi
Join the Haydn Workshop Ensemble for a free concert of Symphony No 1 by Beethoven.
Studio Recital of David Shere, Guitar, Ukulele & Piano
Join us as the students of David Shere perform in a studio recital.
Chamber Music Musicale
Our fall Chamber Music Musicale will be on Friday, January 24th @ 7:00 PM.
Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Music Center will be closed Mon, Jan 20th for MLK.
Closed for Winter Break
Music Center is closed Mon, December 23rd through Sat, January 4th.
End of Term Concert led by David Shere
You are invited to join us for a free concert featuring jazz, rock, and swing ensembles led by David Shere.
Music Center Student Recitals - 2:00 & 3:30 PM
You are invited to join us 2:00 & 3:30pm at Music Center for school wide recitals, featuring students of all ages and instruments as they showcase their hard work at the end of our Fall Term.
End of Term Concert led by David Shere
You are invited to join us for a free concert featuring jazz, rock, and swing ensembles led by David Shere.
Music Center Student Recital
You are invited to join us at Music Center for a school wide recital, featuring students of all ages and instruments as they showcase their hard work at the end of our Fall Term.
Emerald City Women's Chorus Concert
Join the Emerald City Women’s Chorus in a free end of Fall Term concert at Music Center of the Northwest! Livestream available on YouTube.
A Celebration of Historic Female Agency - Soprano Caitlin Nuckolls
Watch the livestream performance of Caitlin Nuckolls, Soprano in A Celebration of Historic Female Agency. Click to watch!
CenterPlay at The Royal Room
CenterPlay at the Royal Room! Tickets $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Doors open at 2:30pm.
Jingle Jammie Jam - 9:30 & 10:45 AM
Join us in your pajamas as we host our annual event with all your favorite winter tunes on December 7th! Tickets are $40 per family, join us at 9:30am or 10:45am.
Music Therapy Showcase
Join us as students from our Music Therapy program share their skills and experiences from their work this year. This is a casual and sensory friendly environment.
Winter Group Tuition Assistance Deadline
Tuition Assistance applications for Winter Term group classes & ensembles are due December 1st.
Thanksgiving Break
No lessons or classes will meet Wed, November 27th - Sat, November 30th.
No Group Classes
No group classes or ensembles will meet Mon, November 25th or Tues, November 26th. Lessons and music therapy will still meet.
Studio Recital of Yvonne Hoar, Piano
The piano students of Yvonne Hoar will perform in a free studio recital.
Steven Luksan in Recital
Join pianist & composer Steven Luksan for a free recital on Fri, Nov 22nd @ 7pm.
Haydn Workshop Ensemble: Beethoven Symphony No. 1
Join the Haydn Workshop Ensemble for a free concert of Symphony No 1 by Beethoven.
Chamber Music Musicale
Our fall Chamber Music Musicale will be on Friday, November 1st, 2024, at 7pm. Registration for this Musicale will open at 10am, Friday, October 4th, 2024.
Fall Term Ensembles Begin
Group classes & ensembles begin their Fall Term on September 16th.
Chamber Recital: Viola & Piano
Join us for a free performance of chamber music for viola(s) and piano at Music Center of the Northwest!
Fall Group Tuition Assistance Deadline
Tuition Assistance for Fall Term group classes & ensembles are due September 1st.
Building Closed
Music Center will be closed for building cleaning and maintenance during August 26 - September 3rd. No lessons or classes will take place during this time.
Rhythm Kids® Summer Camp - Week 2
Rhythm Kids® Summer Camp Week 2 will meet daily July 29 - August 2 at 1:00PM to 4:00PM.
Rhythm Kids® Summer Camp - Week 1
Rhythm Kids® Summer Camp Week 1 will meet daily July 22 - 26 at 1:00PM to 4:00PM.
Learning Koto - Workshop
Learning Koto - Workshop will meet daily July 22 - 26 at 9:00AM - 12:00PM. Enrollment is closed.