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Registration for Spring Term Now Open!
Oak Lake Strings
2024-25 School Year
Tuition: $199 per term
Day & Time: Tuesdays @ 6:30 - 7:45 pm
Dates:Fall Term: September 17th - December 10th (no class November 26th)
Winter Term: January 14th - March 25th (no class February 18th)
Spring Term: April 1st - May 20th (no class April 15th)
Instructor: Chas Arnold
Oak Lake Strings is a non-auditioned beginning/intermediate string orchestra for adults, performing everything from Bach to Beatles! Conductor/Director, Chas Arnold, works with this small, friendly ensemble to improve individual and ensemble skills.
Oak Lake Summer Term will consist of a single day orchestral rehearsal/chamber playing/performance held at the Camano (Island) Schoolhouse, Camano City's 1906 Schoolhouse, on Tuesday, July 16th from 10:30am-3:00pm. More information and music distributed at the end of June.
Beginner/intermediate adult string musicians. Participants should be able to read sheet music and have basic knowledge of their instrument. Open to violin, viola, cello, and double bass.
Exploring Chamber Music - Strings
Tuition: $50/term or $250/year
Days & Time: Mondays 10:00 - 11:00amTerm 1: September 16, 23rd, 30th, October 7th, 14th, 21st
Term 2: October 28th, November 4th, 11th, 18th, December 2nd, 9th
Term 3: January 27th, February 3rd, 10th, 24th, March 3rd, 10th
Term 4: March 17th, 24th, 31st, April 7th, 21st, 28th
Term 5: May 5th, 12th, 19th, June 2nd, 9th, 16thClick on Repertoire & Registration button below for exact dates for each term!
Instructor: Kerry Bollinger
The class is designed to allow intermediate and advanced amateur players the opportunity to systematically explore string quartet repertoire.
This class is sponsored in part by Associated Chamber Music Players.
Beginner/intermediate amateur adult string musicians. Participants should have experience in their instrument, but do not need to have prior chamber music experience. Open to violin, viola, cello, and double bass. Limited piano openings.
Piano openings for 2024-25 are filled. To request information about joining as a pianist please email the instructor.
Ukulele for Adults I & II
2024-25 School Year
Tuition: $199 per term
Day & Time: Mondays 7:00 - 7:55 pm
Dates:Fall Term (Ukulele for Adults II): September 16th - December 16th (no class October 14th and November 25th)
Winter Term (Ukulele for Adults I): January 6th - March 24th (no classes January 20th, February 17th, or March 17th)
Spring Term (Ukulele for Adults II): March 31st - June 16th (no class April 14th or May 26th)
Ukulele for Adults alternates between Ukulele I and Ukulele II by term. See class details for more information between the two levels.
Instructor: Mariah Fraser
Ukulele for Adults I:
Ready? Set?! Ukulele! Join us in a beginning ukulele class! Total beginners are welcome, as are players who already know how to play a little bit. We’ll work on learning some chords, strumming, and there will be opportunities to sing for those who would like to practice accompanying their voice.
We’ll also learn a bit about scales, technique, and easy music theory that goes along with playing the ukulele. Instrument not included - students should bring their own ukulele; soprano, concert, or tenor size. For ukulele recommendations, email Mariah.
Ukulele for Adults II:
Ready? Set?! Ukulele! Join us in a continuing beginning ukulele class! This class is a continuation of our beginning ukulele class, Ukulele for Adults I.
We will continue to learn more advanced strumming techniques, learn to read tablature, and more. Instrument not included - students should bring their own ukulele; soprano, concert, or tenor size. For ukulele recommendations, email Mariah.
Students who did not participate in Ukulele for Adults I may be able to join if they already know a few chords and basic strumming. Contact Mariah to determine if this a good fit.
Adults who are total beginners to ukulele as well as those who already know how to play a bit. Open to soprano, concert, or tenor ukulele. Instrument not included.
Ukulele Ensemble
2024-25 School Year
Tuition: $199 per term
Day & Time: Tuesdays 7:00 - 7:55 pm
Dates:Fall Term: September 17th - December 17th (no class October 15th and November 26th)
Winter Term: January 7th - March 25th (no class February 18th or March 18th)
Spring Term: April 1st - June 17th (no class April 15th)
Instructor: Mariah Fraser
Come join Music Center's first ukulele ensemble! This group is for all levels; if you've just learned, or have been playing for years- come jam with us! We will meet weekly, play and sing through lots of songs, and just have fun!
Contact Mariah if you are unsure that this group is a good fit.
Adults who who know a few chords on ukulele as well as those who already know how to play well. Open to soprano, concert, or tenor ukulele. Instrument not included.
Music Center Chorale
2024-25 School Year
Tuition: $199 per term
Day & Time: Thursdays 12:30 - 2:00 pm
Dates:Fall Term: September 19th - December 12th (no class November 28th)
Winter Term: January 9th - March 27th (no class February 20th)
Spring Term: April 3rd - June 19th (no class April 17th)
Instructor: Chris Vincent
The Chorale is a mixed-voice, non-auditioned ensemble covering a wide variety of genres and styles. There is a strong sense of fun and friendship as we explore interesting choral music.
Adults of all vocal backgrounds and experience are welcome in this mixed-voice choir.
Email Chris to determine if this class is a good fit.
Afro-Cuban Jazz Combo
2024-25 School Year
Tuition: $199 per term
Day & Time: Wednesdays 7:30 - 9:00 pm
Dates:Fall Term: September 18th - December 11th (no class November 27th)
Winter Term: January 8th - March 26th (no class February 19th)
Spring Term: April 2nd - June 18th (no class April 16th)
Instructor: Fred Hoadley
African-inspired Cuban music has influenced the world of Jazz for decades with its infectious rhythms and beautiful melodies. Students will learn the unique elements and rhythms of Afro-Cuban music while performing original arrangements of both classic and modern compositions.
Open to: piano, bass, guitar, brass, reeds, flute, violin & Latin percussion consisting of congas, bongos & timbales. Drummers interested in learning Latin percussion welcome.
Intermediate + adult musicians. Welcome instruments include piano, bass, guitar, brass, reeds, flute violin & Latin percussion (congas, bongos & timbales). Drummers interested in learning Latin percussion are welcome.
New student enrollment is subject to instructor approval, please contact Fred Hoadley to inquire.
Jazz Combo & Jazz Theory
2024-25 School Year
Combo Tuition: $229 per term
Theory Tuition: $99 per term**must be enrolled in a combo class to enroll in theory
Combo Classes:
Monday @ 7:00 pm
Monday @ 8:00 pm
Wednesday @ 8:00 pm
Thursday @ 8:00 pmTheory Classes:
Wednesday @ 7:00 pm
Thursday @ 7:00 pmDates:
Fall Term: September 16th - December 14th (no class week of November 25th)
Winter Term: January 6th - March 27th (no class January 20th or week of February 17th)
Spring Term: March 31st - June 19th (no class week of April 14th)
Instructor: David Shere
Jazz Combo:
This ensemble focuses on performing four lead sheets per term, typically one chart from each of the following categories: Blues, Swing, Ballad, and Latin. Some participants may choose tunes from additional cateogories, including fusion, gypsy, R&B, and others.
It is suggested that students also take Jazz Theory as a companion class. This class is meant for intermediate and advanced players.
Jazz Theory:
For returning students. These theory classes are devoted to the study of specific jazz tunes, focusing on: 1) Roman numeral analysis; 2) chord tones; 3) guide tones; 4) chord-scale pairs; and 5) building melodic etudes to improve jazz soloing skills. General topics are also addressed, including: scales and modes; chord construction; interpreting chord symbols; intervals; jazz composition; jazz rhythms; building a melodic vocabulary, solo transcription, solo composition, lead-sheet composing and arrangement; "inside" versus "outside" playing; and using theory to build & strengthen your improvisation practice regimen.
Theory questions and improvising strategies are discussed in Theory and applied in Combo performance.
Required skill rudiments are as follows:
Must be able to reasonably sight-read a lead sheet
Must be able to play major scales in all (12) keys
Must be able to play the chromatic scale
Intermediate and advanced adult musicians. Contact instructor to inquire about instrument openings. Theory course is optional. Students must enroll in combo to join theory and must enroll for the same day of week.
New student enrollment is subject to instructor approval, please contact David Shere to inquire.
Combo Classes
Theory Classes
Big Band Styles & Techniques for Saxophone (and other instruments) - Online
2024-25 School Year
Tuition: $199 per term
Day & Time: Tuesdays 8:00 - 9:00 pm
Dates:Fall Term: September 17th - December 10th (no class November 26th)
Winter Term: January 7th - March 25th (no class February 18th)
Spring Term: April 1st - June 17th (no class April 15th)
Instructor: Nathaniel Schleimer
The class will meet online through Zoom.
This course is an exploration of big band music. In class you will listen to and play along with some of the great bands from years ago in addition to our current time.The class will study the recordings and written music of bands such as Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Woody Herman, Buddy Rich, Bob Mintzer, Perez Prado, Tito Puente, Thad Jones, Mel Lewis, and many others.
Adult musicians of all types, levels, and experiences depending on instrument openings. Contact the instructor to inquire about instrument openings. Prior Big Band experience is helpful but not required.
Saxophone Ensemble
2024-25 School Year
Tuition: $199 per term
Day & Time: Thursdays 10:00 - 11:30 am
Dates:Fall Term: September 19th - December 12th (no class November 28th)
Winter Term: January 9th - March 27th (no class February 20th)
Spring Term: April 3rd - June 19th (no class April 17th)
Majority of sessions held offsite. Please contact instructor for more details.
Instructor: Nathaniel Schleimer
This class provides exposure to a wide variety of chamber ensemble music for the saxophone as well an opportunity for students to develop musical interaction skills in a small group/chamber ensemble setting.
Intermediate - advanced saxophone players which a suggested 3+ years playing experience. Open to all saxophones (soprano, alto, tenor and baritone).
Swing Machine Big Band
2024-25 School Year
Tuition: $229 per term
Day & Time: Tuesdays 8:00 - 9:00 pm
Dates:Fall Term: September 24th - December 10th (no class November 26th)
Winter Term: January 7th - March 25th (no class February 18th)
Spring Term: April 1st - June 17th (no class April 15th)
Instructor: David Shere
Come join Swing Machine, Music Center's student big band! For horn and rhythm players who would like to hone their ensemble skills in a fun and collaborative environment. We'll be playing and polishing 4-5 charts a term, with an emphasis on the classics. Instructor approval required.
Adult musicians of all types, levels, and experiences depending on instrument openings. Contact the instructor to inquire about instrument openings. Prior Big Band experience is helpful but not required.
New student enrollment is subject to instructor approval, please contact David Shere to inquire.
Check out these videos of Swing Machine!
Off Center Rock Band
2024-25 School Year
Tuition: $229 per term
Day & Time: Saturdays 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Dates:Fall Term: September 21st - December 14th (no class November 30th)
Winter Term: January 11th - March 29th (no class February 22nd)
Spring Term: April 5th - June 21st (no class April 19th)
Instructor: David Shere
Off-Center Rock Band explores rock music of the '60s to the present. Guitarists, bass players, and drummer needed - any other instrument or vocals welcomed.
Required skill rudiments are as follows:
Must be able to reasonably sight-read a lead sheet
Must be able to play major scales in all (12) keys
Must be able to play the chromatic scale
Adult musicians with sight reading comprehension. Specific need for guitar, bass, and drummer. Open to any other instrumentalist or vocalist. Contact instructor to inquire about joining.
New student enrollment is subject to instructor approval, please contact David Shere to inquire.
Studio Recording Techniques
2024-25 School Year
Tuition: $229 per term
Day & Time: Saturdays 4:45 - 5:30 pm
Dates:Fall Term: September 21st - December 14th (no class November 30th)
Winter Term: January 11th - March 29th (no class February 22nd)
Spring Term: April 5th - June 21st (no class April 19th)
Instructor: David Shere
Understanding studio recording technology is a necessity in the modern music world! In this class we cover common commercial audio hardware and software applications (USB interfaces, Audacity, and Cakewalk), digital signal routing, multitrack audio recording and effects processing, mixing, and simple mastering. Limit (4) students, instructor approval required.
All adult musicians are welcome, instructor approval required due to limited class size. Contact instructor to inquire about joining.
Concert Band Literature & Technique - Clock Hours
2024-25 School Year
Tuition: free with registration to Around the Sound Band
Day & Time: Thursdays @ 7:30 - 9:00pm
Dates:Spring Term: March 27 - June 19, 2025 (16.25 hours)
Instructor: Marcus Pimpleton, Director of Around the Sound Community Band
Objectives: The objective of this course is to provide open discussion and experience in regards to choosing literature for concert bands and the techniques and skills in running or participating in rehearsals.
The course Concert Band Literature & Technique relates to the NBPTS Five Core Propositions of the Clock Hour Standards by providing further learning for teaching in the subject they teach to students, experiences for teachers to learn from, and allowing teachers to be a part of learning communities.
The course also supports the NBPTS professional teaching standards for Music Education by providing further knowledge and skills in music to educators, additional materials, methods and strategies for educators to employ, providing a community for collaboration with others, and a place for reflection, professional growth and professional contribution.
Description: Members of this class will rehearse and perform with the Around the Sound Concert Band. Participants will take part in discussions regarding repertoire for the group and will have the opportunity to select and conduct a piece for rehearsal and performance. Tuition covers the cost of class registration and clock hours.
All active members of Around the Sound Band are welcome to participate!
String Orchestra Literature & Technique - Clock Hours
2024-25 School Year
Tuition: free with registration to Oak Lake Strings
Day & Time: Tuesdays @ 6:30 - 7:45 pm
Dates:Spring Term: April 3 - May 15, 2025 (8.75 hours)
Instructor: Chas Arnold, Director of Oak Lake Strings
Objectives: The objective of this course is to provide open discussion and experience in regards to choosing literature for string orchestras and the techniques and skills in running or participating in rehearsals.
The course String Orchestra Literature & Technique relates to the NBPTS Five Core Propositions of the Clock Hour Standards by providing further learning for teaching in the subject they teach to students, experiences for teachers to learn from, and allowing teachers to be a part of learning communities.
The course also supports the NBPTS professional teaching standards for Music Education by providing further knowledge and skills in music to educators, additional materials, methods and strategies for educators to employ, providing a community for collaboration with others, and a place for reflection, professional growth and professional contribution.
Description: Members of this class will rehearse and perform with the Oak Lake Strings and participate in Orchestra Reading and Technique Study sessions. Tuition covers the cost of class registration and clock hours.