Suzuki Academy at Music Center
Dr. Shinichi Suzuki is the father of the Suzuki method. Dr. Suzuki, a violinist and teacher in Japan, marveled that all children learn to speak their native language (a complex and sophisticated skill even for adults) and began to apply the basic principles of language acquisition to the learning of music and called it his mother-tongue approach. He felt that the concept of inborn talent was artificial and limiting. He believed that given the right set of circumstances, all children could learn to play music and learn to play well.
What is different about the Suzuki Academy?
Two core principles of Suzuki study are the Suzuki Triangle; teacher/parent/child, and learning structured around the weekly individual lesson supported by regular group lessons. In the weekly lesson the parent plays an active role attending the lesson and taking careful notes to instruct the student's practice during the week. Often the parent will take the first few lessons and learn enough about playing the instrument not only to help the student's learning, but also to create a co-op learning experience with their child. This intimate relationship with your child's learning process carries over into all areas of your child's learning and development.
Weekly Lessons
Students develop musical skills as they advance through the carefully laid out Suzuki repertoire for that instrument. Early pieces are learned by ear and played together in group classes and recitals. A combination of weekly Suzuki lessons and weekly or bi-monthly group classes leads students to successs. Suzuki students regularly join junior orchestras or ensemble groups as they mature musically and many progress to become excellent players in symphony orchestras.
All Music Center Suzuki Faculty are certified by the Suzuki Association of the Americas and have received training to teach in the method. If you are not familiar with the Suzuki method of music study and would like more information about it, visit the Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA) website and the Suzuki Association of Washington State (SAWS) website. All our Suzuki faculty are active members of SAA and Music Center is proud to be an organizational member.
Group Classes
At our Suzuki Academy the group lesson is scheduled weekly or bi-monthly (depending on the instrument) and is an important element to students' progress generating motivation to practice, providing a forum for parents to share ideas, and is a fun and positive performance experience for everyone. Monthly tuition includes the group class cost.
Getting Started
Students are invited to take an introductory lesson package that includes two, 30-minute lessons at a reduced lesson rate of $80. To begin the scheduling process, simply complete the Student Profile Form or call 206-526-8443 to speak with a staff member.
Lessons can begin whenever you’re ready! The academic year runs from September through June and includes a total of 37 lessons. Payment plan options are available for a small fee. Tuition for lessons is prorated for those who start after the beginning of the year. For summer session (July and August) students may sign up for a predetermined number of lessons at the regular lesson rate.
The Details
Who can take lessons?
Suzuki students often begin taking lessons at 3 or 4 years of age. Music reading is delayed while specifics of good tone and making beautiful music are emphasized. Note-reading is then introduced at a natural time and comes easily for the student.
What instruments are available for Suzuki Lessons?
Instruction is available for the following instruments:
violin, viola, cello, piano, harp, trumpet
Are there scholarships available?
Yes! Music Center believes that music education should be accessible to everyone, regardless of financial means. We offer a variety of tuition discounts and scholarships to make our programs more affordable. If you need tuition assistance to participate, please visit Tuition & Scholarships for more information. Tuition Assistance awards are for either one class/ensemble or for 30-minute lessons.
What is the cost?
After your introductory lesson package, tuition for lessons is:
30 - Minute Weekly Suzuki Lesson & Group: $214.35/month
45 - Minute Weekly Suzuki Lesson & Group: $295.75/month
60 - Minute Weekly Suzuki Lesson & Group: $371.60/month
Tuition and fees must be paid before a student begins lessons. Families enrolling in lessons at Music Center are required to pay an annual $75 registration fee. Discounts are available for siblings and family members who enroll in lessons and for quarterly payment plans (3 payments) or payment in full.
What if my student needs to miss a lesson?
No credits or refunds will be given for student absences (vacation, field trips, school music obligations, sports, illness, etc.). Teachers are NOT required nor obligated to reschedule lessons due to student absence. If you must miss a lesson (especially for illness) you should stay in contact with your teacher for additional assignments or practice ideas.
What if we need to stop lessons entirely?
If it is necessary for a student to stop taking lessons, students/parents should complete a Withdrawal Form and return it to the office. At the time the office receives the Withdrawal Form, the student is responsible to pay for four (4) more lessons (which they may attend if they choose).